The American Bankers Association has asked the SEC to override accounting guidelines which require mark-to-market pricing for all securities, including flawed mortgage-backed securities carried on the books at asset values (prices) that are highly unlikely to be realized. The guidelines would make transparent the extent of hangover each institution has from the perfect storm of […]
Today is a great day!! It is good to be “live.” For several reasons. For one, waking up means an opportunity for one more day of living my mission: to light up people to become extraordinary leaders of themselves, their families, their community and the people with whom they work. I do that by sharing […]
Gene Sharp is an unlikely revolutionary. 80 years old, single, childless and living in modest digs near Logan Airport, his books on nonviolent resistance to dictators have been the field guides to action in almost a dozen countries around the world. He is a shy, quiet man whose exuberance emerges only when tending his orchids. […]
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
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