Jim Blasingame’s Small Business Advocate is a treasure: ideas, best practices and lots mo6re in the form of radio interviews, a website and archives. So when he asks me to spend time with him, I always look forward to it (August 25 at 0826 Eastern). Two topics come to mind: 1. Good moves in uncertain […]
You have heard a lot about management by walking around over the years and it becomes more important as the business world moves to warp speed and global employees. But here is a terrific take from a CEO I respect a lot. To paraphrase his remarks in a private conversation, first, he always learns how […]
SUPERBOWL CEO (Part One) No matter who wins the Super Bowl, we will all be treated to a demonstration of skills that any CEO (or leader for that matter) finds enviable. Peyton Manning’s real-time read of the structure and intent of the defense, consideration of options, selection of pass receiver and intentional arc of the […]
In this economy, leaders are asking people do do more with less. Whether you call it “Job security” or “upward mobility” or “career insurance,” becoming a “Go-To” is key. In a recent post, I asked you to reflect on situations where someone was being singled out as a go-to: how did you know? what did […]
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
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