More About “Go-To” Senior Team Members

In this economy, leaders are asking people do do more with less. Whether you call it “Job security” or “upward mobility” or “career insurance,” becoming a “Go-To” is key. In a recent post, I asked you to reflect on situations where someone was being singled out as a go-to: how did you know? what did it look like? what role does the go-to play? And if you are a leader, how can you grow go-to’s on your team?

Yesterday, in a coaching session with one of my business owners, he made a football comparison that resonates. Over the years, he has had on his team each of the following types of pass receivers:

– someone who is hit by the ball (didn’t see it coming or look for it)

– someone who grasps for the ball and drops it

– someone who catches the ball and stops or is nailed in his tracks

– someone who advances many yards after the reception

If you are the boss, have you evaluated your receivers? Have you given them opportunities outside their official scope? Coached them up a notch? Traded out the ones who do not advance the ball?

If you are on or aspire to be on the senior team, which one are you?

That’s just my view. What’s yours?

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One Response to “More About “Go-To” Senior Team Members”

  1. davidburkus says:

    Good point, but you must classify your people using solid, documented statistics or else your risk creating a halo effect-type bias in who your chosen receivers are.

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