Tag Archive | "Entrepreneur"

Why She Lost? Fundamentals.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

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So, having done a great job of turning around a failing franchise, motivating the players, focusing on teamwork and composure: why did the US. Women’s soccer team lose? Fundamentals. The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team did not reach the minimum level of skill in ball handling or in “finishing” attacks. With almost 15 shots on goal […]

Thriving in the New Normal

Thursday, May 12, 2011

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Thriving in the New Normal What follows are notes from a conversation yesterday with Jim Blasingame, who has his finger on the pulse of small business, His website is one of my faves: Small Business advocate My world includes small business owners, corporate CEOs of firms owned by private equity outfits, private equity firms themselves […]

Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Key to 2009

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

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As 2008 comes to a close, the news is almost overwhelmingly negative: cheating by leaders in every walk of American life, our tax dollars going to bail-outs of those who contributed to the mess we are in and hard times for many who have worked hard and stayed clean yet lost a lot. But there […]

Lessons from a CEO – P&L Training Wheels for an Entrepreneur

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

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She never was captain of a sports team. She did not lead anything in school. But as she reached her early teen years, she got certified to teach swimming at the Y in her small, rural town. And she began to teach neighbors’ children to swim at a private pool. Sometimes one to one and […]

What Made jack welch JACK WELCH

How Ordinary People Become
Extraordinary Leaders

by Stephen H. Baum (Random House)

Most leaders of American companies started out as ordinary people. What prepared them for the top job?

Countless more ordinary people of equal talent never developed the leadership core required to run the show. Why not?

"Lessons for life about the core leadership traits of character, risk taking decisiveness and the ability to engage and inspire followers."
--Jim Clifton, CEO, The Gallup Organization


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