Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Key to 2009

As 2008 comes to a close, the news is almost overwhelmingly negative: cheating by leaders in every walk of American life, our tax dollars going to bail-outs of those who contributed to the mess we are in and hard times for many who have worked hard and stayed clean yet lost a lot. But there is another side and it hasnt been snuffed out: the entrepreneurial spirit.

I met David Liu, CEO of TheKnot.com for the first time yesterday. The company is not his first start-up, but this one has survived for a dozen years, has reached $100mm in sales and appears to have proven its internet business model. Notwithstanding the beating his stock price has taken, notwithstanding his tenure in this business, his passion, his energy and his clear vision are palpable. He is doing what it takes to survive and thrive and looking forward. As David says, people are still choosing to live together, get married and have kids. That is in our sweet spot.

Visit http://theknot.com/ and see for yourself.

I wish good things happen to each of the thousands of men and women who, having have been laid off, have chosen to start their own businesses. And to all the small business owners, I wish the same. It sounds cliche’, but you are the engine of this economy and all the benefits it brings. Barack has a huge challenge in front of him and your success will contribute to his and our success.

That’s my view. What’s yours?

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