Archive | The Economy/Financial Crisis

We’re Back! And the Outlook Hasn’t Changed.

Monday, January 26, 2009

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We took a hiatus from the blogosphere, but we are back. There is simply too much that demands comment and too much to share from our frequent conversations with business owners and CEOs. It is still not clear to my community that the stimulus package will stimulate any time soon. After our monthly group meeting […]

Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Key to 2009

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

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As 2008 comes to a close, the news is almost overwhelmingly negative: cheating by leaders in every walk of American life, our tax dollars going to bail-outs of those who contributed to the mess we are in and hard times for many who have worked hard and stayed clean yet lost a lot. But there […]

Survival in Tough Times: Small Business Advo cate

Saturday, December 27, 2008

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For a few years now, Jim Blasingame and I have shared stories, insights and practical suggestions for survival of small business in tough times. He should be your fave for an unlimited supply of helpful ideas for your business. Go to: and also to the home page of Please let me know how […]

Small Business Advocate for Survival in Tough Times

Saturday, December 27, 2008

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For a few years now, Jim Blasingame and I have shared stories, insights and practical suggestions for survival of small business in tough times. He should be your fave for an unlimited supply of helpful ideas for your business. Go to: and also to the home page of Please let me know how […]

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