Archive | Entrepreneur

CEO Gaff Avoidance

Monday, December 19, 2011

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CEO GAFF AVOIDANCE Anyone watching the presidential campaign must wonder how the mind works just before a gaff. There certainly have been enough of them by both Republicans and Democrats. One hopes that a CEO has accumulated by experience far more knowledge than the politicians in their briefings (apparently their major source of learning).   […]

CEO Emotional Intelligence: Strain Management

Saturday, December 17, 2011

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CEO Emotional Intelligence — Strain Management At what point is the best place to clean up wastewater? Upstream at the source. When is the best time to avoid a plant disease spreading? Nipping it in the bud. When is the best time to address a crisis? Before it is one. So it is with stress […]

CEO Storytelling

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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CEO Storytelling What story are you living? Sometimes hearing someone else’s story can change you. In addition to being coach to business owners in the CEO membership organization known as Vistage, I have my own group of fellow Chairs who coach me and each other. Last Friday, we Chairs experienced a very timely workshop with […]

Bulldog CEOs: Lessons Learned

Sunday, November 6, 2011

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Reflecting on several coaching sessions with A-type-persona leaders moves me to share these thoughts, which may be of value to a broader audience. The formula for past success for these people has often included some or all of these traits: – Think and speak sooner and faster than anyone in the room – Win by […]

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