Small Business Advocate — A Treasured Resource for Big Companies Too

Jim Blasingame of hosted my presence on his morning radio show yesterday. Though it is not the first time Jim and I have chatted like this, it is a reminder of his value as an advisor to business, keeper of an inventory of written wisdom and node in a network he calls his “brain trust.” All that and a preacher to all who are struggling to keep their followers motivated and focused in turbulent times.

If you are not familiar with this resource, change that. He will do what all good coaches do: stimulate your thinking, cause self-discovery and get you going in the right direction for you.

That’s my view. What’s yours?

Small Business Advocate

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One Response to “Small Business Advocate — A Treasured Resource for Big Companies Too”

  1. derekpm says:

    Rather interesting. Has few times re-read for this purpose to remember. Thanks for interesting article. Waiting for trackback

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