September 11th

Thu, Sep 11, 2008

Not for Profit

September 11th: memories of what where we were, what we saw, friends and family we lost well up with conflicting emotions: anger, grief, anxiety among others. I have just one thought to add that might not be on everyone’s mind. It was stimulated by conversation with a devout Muslim friend and it is about “inclusiveness.” 

My friend Abdul came to America with no formal advantage: not an advanced education, not money, not a vocational skill-set from apprenticeship. But he did have entrepreneurial spirit, hustle, the highest integrity and a winning personality. He now has a wife, two beautiful young sons, a well-paying job, respect from his colleagues, a house in Queens and a large following in the community from his service to many less fortunate. 

His political views are not unlike a large number of Americans.   As he has advised people at his mosque: where else can you do what you please and say what you please? Where else can are you rewarded based on how you perform and how you behave?

Inclusiveness is what builds mutual understanding, and trust and replaces xenophobia. Inclusiveness is what creates common interest, makes it harder for radical and fanatics to recruit more who would do us harm and enlarges the population who would and can deal with the evildoers.

Inclusiveness is what we need in our national policy and in our daily lives. 

That is just my view.


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