Tag Archive | "Stress"

To the Boss: Is the Stress Epidemic Sapping Your Leadership Team?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

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To the Boss: Is the Stress Epidemic Sapping Your Leadership Team Constant fire drills. 24 x 7 connectedness. Pressure to outperform just to stay even. I hear about these from direct reports with increasing frequency as they lament how much energy and mindshare are devoted to what may not, in the end, lead to success […]

CEOs’ Grapple With Time Choices

Monday, January 2, 2012

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Over the New Year holiday, I was asked: “What is the one issue with which many CEOs grapple?” Several come to mind: 1. “What don’t I know that could “kill” me?” 2. (Corollary) “What wont anyone tell me? 3. “Am I pushing people too hard or not hard enough” 4. “Is the perception people take […]

Distracted Toddlers, Distracted Leaders

Monday, September 5, 2011

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A growing number of my leadership clients struggle to focus on their daily agenda in the face of distractions. Email, texts, phones and walk-ins too often drive their attention from where it is really needed (according to them!). I’ve already posted about two terrific articles that show that we lose will power after a series […]

Inside the MInd of the CEO: Another Glimpse

Sunday, June 12, 2011

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It occurred to me that I have the privilege of a unique glimpse inside the mind and heart of my CEOs and that, with identities withheld along with anything confidential, these glimpses may be of value to aspiring future leaders and to those more established who seek self-improvement. I have more than one CEO who […]

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