PERSONAL NOTE: immobilized and distracted for several months since March from an accident, I have returned to coaching business owners and CEOs and resuming sharing the insights with those who aspire to be extraordinary leaders. BACKGROUND My clients are almost all doing well, ahead of last year. But there is a nagging worry that […]
Two comments in apparent conflict from a recent meeting of our CEO advisory board: “One of the few things I regret is not having my board years earlier,” said one member. Why? “They made me do things I never would have done on my own and they were right.” “My founder wants us to have […]
Hiring someone to lead an organization, even with a terrific recruitiment/assessment process is a crapshoot (technical term). “You do everything right and your odds of a fit for the long term are 50/50,” said one of my CEO Group members to another. The process may include behavioral interviewing, serious (third party) reference checking and assessments, […]
Our conversation this morning with Jim Blasingame of Small Business Advocate focused on a problem he believes is endemic to small business: the owner’s inability (or unwillingness) to rise above fire drills and checkbook management to do the job called “CEO.” Jim believes the next four years will be as turbulent as the past five […]
Monday, September 8, 2014