Tag Archive | "Obama"

We’re Back! And the Outlook Hasn’t Changed.

Monday, January 26, 2009

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We took a hiatus from the blogosphere, but we are back. There is simply too much that demands comment and too much to share from our frequent conversations with business owners and CEOs. It is still not clear to my community that the stimulus package will stimulate any time soon. After our monthly group meeting […]


Thursday, November 13, 2008


Pelosi: Mr. President, so glad to have this first conversation with you about our agenda and priorities. Obama: I am glad too. I look forward to working with you and the House to bring the change American needs. Pelosi: There is so much we can now accomplish that has been impossible before. Increasing the minimum […]

McCain’s Unanswered Question

Thursday, November 6, 2008

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John McCain’s otherwise gracious concession speech included a line to the effect of “I don’t know what more we could have done to have a winning campaign.” Here is food for thought for Senator McCain and the Republicans who must now make a choice between collaborating to make democracy work vs. actions less constructive: – […]

Why Republicans Still Dont Get It

Thursday, November 6, 2008

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When leadership fails, the fail-point is somewhere down this chain: Ignorance – I didn’t know Incompetence – I knew, but didn’t understand the implications Insouciance – I knew, I understood, but did not care Cowardice – I knew, I understood, I cared, but I was afraid Malice – I knew, understood, cared, had the courage […]

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