Tag Archive | "ethics"

Derivatives to Live By: The Present Value of Ethics

Friday, October 24, 2008

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Sam DiPiazza, CEO of PriceWaterhouseCoopers told a personal story on camera in an interview with a student audience. He related the words of his grandfather who had immigrated to Alabama from Sicily. Young Sammy had done something his grandfather found over the line of ethics. He said to Sam: “Your reputation takes decades to build […]

Greenspan’s “Bombshell:” Markets Can’t Self-Regulate

Friday, October 24, 2008

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It is a sad commentary that our former FedHead now believes that blind deregulation leads to market upheaval. Sad in that he (and his Congressional fellow-believers) did not think about it years ago. Even sadder that a large part of why the free market, “self-regulation” and such ideas present in the Paulson plan first version […]

Not My Republican Party — Neither Bush Nor McCain

Thursday, October 16, 2008

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Party of the First Part —Not Mine I was a Rockefeller Republican At least that’s what I thought: socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Encourage entrepreneurs and free markets to do their best. Keep sensible oversight to curb abuses. Help fund the most important projects that make education affordable, geographies livable and the environment healthy. Maintain […]

Convention Low Light: Sen. Lautenberg Laughs at Ethics

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

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You can all see the highlights of the convention in many places, especially on the web. But there is one “low light” that sticks in my mind. Asked by tv talking heads for his view of one major party thrown by the lobbyists and how that fits with recent ethics reforms, Senator Lautenberg scoffed: “somebody […]

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