Tag Archive | "economic crisis"

The Safety Net: What Are You Contributing?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

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I have seen the “safety net” today and it is in trouble as every funding source shrinks the money provided for projects and operations. And you could do something about it by volunteering your time and knowledge to help a not for profit survive, especially a social service provider to the neediest. In 2007, Harvard […]

Is the Recovery Under Way Now?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

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Wrong question. Rather, are we prepared for wherever we are going? An all-day  conference of companies owned by private equity doyen Castle Harlan and their Australian partners provided benchmarks for the second question. It was reassuring to see so many weathering 2008 so well and so many seizing opportunities to position for growth after the […]

Masters of the Universe: The Truth About Wall Street

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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David Leonhardt (NY TImes, today, the Looting of Americas Coffers) has it right. If you dont yet understand how overwhelming greed led bankers and investment bankers to build a house of cards, walk away with bonuses based on performance that would lead to billions of write-offs of their own companies and not care, you must […]

Momentum Leadership in Tough Times

Monday, March 2, 2009

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I have a coaching client who has made a breakthrough in her leadership. The powerpoint exercise tool I am attempting to embed in this post played a role in conversations which led her to shift focus and try new things. Good leaders know they are on stage at all times, their eye contact and body […]

What Made jack welch JACK WELCH

How Ordinary People Become
Extraordinary Leaders

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