Tag Archive | "crisis management"

To the Boss: Is the Stress Epidemic Sapping Your Leadership Team?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

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To the Boss: Is the Stress Epidemic Sapping Your Leadership Team Constant fire drills. 24 x 7 connectedness. Pressure to outperform just to stay even. I hear about these from direct reports with increasing frequency as they lament how much energy and mindshare are devoted to what may not, in the end, lead to success […]

3 Second Rule for Business Owners and CEOs

Sunday, February 12, 2012


3 Second Rule for Business Owners Some of you may recall the “3 second rule” from childhood: when food fell on the floor it was ok to eat it as long as you picked it up within 3 seconds. This was true especially for foods like cookies, candy and such. For business owners and CEOs, […]

Super Bowl CEO: Lessons to Be Learned

Sunday, February 7, 2010

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SUPERBOWL CEO (Part One) No matter who wins the Super Bowl, we will all be treated to a demonstration of skills that any CEO (or leader for that matter) finds enviable. Peyton Manning’s real-time read of the structure and intent of the defense, consideration of options, selection of pass receiver and intentional arc of the […]

The Summer of Our Discontent: What CEOs are Doing & Feeling Now

Friday, July 10, 2009


It is almost two years since the peer advisory board of CEOs I chair began explicit planning for the storm on the horizon. They have made not only the easy moves and the challenging moves, but acted on the list of measures they thought they would never invoke unless survival of the enterprise were at […]

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How Ordinary People Become
Extraordinary Leaders

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