A third party professional services team will help one of my CEO clients to enlist the minds and hearts of thousands of employees at all levels to what he believes will lead to better ways to work together: heightened collaboration across silos to win in the marketplace, focus on strengths, transition away from negative behaviors. […]
Jim Blasingame on his morning radio show for small business owners and CEOs made me think (as he always does) and remember stories that may help small business owners. He had just advised his listeners to spend an hour each week out of the trenches, thinking about the direction of the business. It is my […]
Recent conversation with a Private Equity partner about leadership qualities of CEOs in their portfolio may be worth recounting. One of their CEOs, we will call “the field general” is “exceptional at creating a battle plan, assembling and chartering the team (including swapping out under-performers and recruiting stars to a difficult location) and driving execution.” […]
My CEOs who battened down the hatches as early as Fall of 2007, executed the unthinkable savings and cash provisioning in early 2008 and began selective risk-taking (acquisition of talent, acquisition of distressed companies,…) in late 2008 found the first quarter of 2011 encouraging. Profits were up, additional opportunities were surfacing, investments were being digested […]
Monday, October 24, 2011
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