Tag Archive | "bailout"

FreeFall: Our Flawed Response to the Financial Crisis

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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Joseph Stiglitz is one of the few economists who identified the bubble and predicted the bubble would burst. So we went to hear him interviewed last night (note: the appearance was, in part, to promote his new book – “FREEFALL”). By way of background, we were interviewed on Market Watch at the time Stan O’Neal […]

Bailout with No End

Monday, December 8, 2008

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As I said in a prior post, the fruit vendor on a nearby street corner in New York City told me he is working on becoming a bank holding company so he can get in line for a bailout. Is there no end? Today’s announcement it was announced that insurance companies will be allowed to […]

Habeas Corporate: Reviving the Body of the Auto Industry

Monday, November 24, 2008

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Putting aside the hubris and lack of self-awareness of the automobile CEOs — reminiscent of the Congressional appearance of the tobacco companies — what do we do with the moribund bodies that are their business models? Ask for a plan? Not even close. Current leadership is blinded. Let them become bank holding companies as thousands […]

Auto(matic) Bailouts For Big Boys

Friday, October 31, 2008

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There has been a mindset in Washington D.C. that government should be completely hands off of business and markets except when, through poor management exacerbated by the economy, the biggest of the big companies should be bailed out with cash and guarantees and tax breaks. Those on “Main Street” with real and sweat equity in […]

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