Archive | The Economy/Financial Crisis

The Depression Inside Us

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

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There is a lot of talk these days about the economy dropping from recession into depression. There is plenty in the press that is making some people more cautious and prudent in spending and finances, plenty that is putting some people in economic survival mode. All are trying to cope as best they can. But […]

Dealing with Stress — A CEOs View

Friday, February 6, 2009

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One of my CEO friends was asked by a young management student: “How do you deal with the stress of so many challenges at once? I have been only a manager before going back to school and the stress was really challenging?” My friend answered this way: “First and foremost, you need to develop a […]

Once, Shame On You, Twice Shame on Me (Obama leadership)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

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I am a fan of Barack Obama. But several of his leadership choices are worrisome. They are negative “Signal Acts,” — deeds that resonate far deeper than words. In case you hadn’t noticed, the Bush governance was replete with agencies that failed their fiduciary obligations (securities trading, regulating food safety, consumer safety, oil regulation, environment […]

You Bet Your Life — Insurance Companies Proposal Voted Down

Friday, January 30, 2009

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Got any idea of how we got into the financial crisis we are in? Understand that extreme leverage (too much debt compared with equity to back it up) is a key contributor to the economic disaster? Remember how much “insurance” was written by AIG without capital reserves? Then you will be pleased that the association […]

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