Leadership in Difficult Times: A New View of ROI This is the text from which an interview was conducted today on Jim Blasingame’s treasure of a radio show: Small Business Advocate. It will be posted soon on this website and on Forbes.com. We are experiencing a selective recovery. Those who successfully battened down the hatches […]
On January 31, 2008 I wrote about the sub-prime mess predicting the formation of the IPA, the investor protection agency (IPA sounded more interesting than CPA, though I believed consumer protection would be in its charter). I feared that a significant number of powerful CEOs intolerant of their own risk-management professionals would bring regulation upon […]
Every once in awhile there is a revelation about big companies that makes my blood boil. This is one of them. If you discount what Wendell Potter of CIGNA says by half, you will still be upset at both the deception and power of the health insurance companies and the ignorance and lack of spine […]
Our NYC group of CEOs acted on leading indicators in mid-2007 and prepared for the recession. Brainstorming each month, they progressed through low hanging fruit to really difficult choices to the previously unthinkable survival measures. The chant a year ago was “survival is victory.” That is why the discussion yesterday was so startling to this […]
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
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