Archive | Leadership Development

CEO and Owner Motivations

Monday, June 11, 2012

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Many big company CEOs (disproportionate among operating companies) are portrayed in the press as driven by selfish pursuit of power and money at everyone else’s expense, while a few are reported as (temporary) stewards of the enterprise. Many small business owners are shown to be checkbook managers, pinching pennies when a game-changing investment opportunity presents […]

Why Business Owners and CEOs Love Private Equity

Saturday, May 19, 2012

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Why Business Owners and CEOs Love Private Equity Riverside Company owns all  or part of nearly 80 companies, most of which would be classified by big banks as “small business.” This segment of business, especially those less than five years old, generate most of the jobs in the U.S. This week’s two-day conference was attended […]

Executive Director (NFP) vs. CEO — Shared Issues

Friday, March 2, 2012

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Executive Director of Not for Profit vs. CEO –  Shared Issues OK, so not for profits do not have shareholder value or stock price as a unifying measure of success. Ok, so nobody takes a job at an NFP for the pay. But many of the challenges require similar approaches and tools. One of my […]

One Bad Apple: Heartburn for the Boss and Followers

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

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One bad apple: heartburn for the boss and followers Why are leaders at all levels so slow to move on “bad apples?” Even after witnessing the positively liberating power of one person’s departure and absence, they are prone to wait again on a second case. This is a timeless question asked by boards, bosses and […]

What Made jack welch JACK WELCH

How Ordinary People Become
Extraordinary Leaders

by Stephen H. Baum (Random House)

Most leaders of American companies started out as ordinary people. What prepared them for the top job?

Countless more ordinary people of equal talent never developed the leadership core required to run the show. Why not?

"Lessons for life about the core leadership traits of character, risk taking decisiveness and the ability to engage and inspire followers."
--Jim Clifton, CEO, The Gallup Organization


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