Lessons from a CEO – P&L Training Wheels for an Entrepreneur
She never was captain of a sports team. She did not lead anything in school. But as she reached her early teen years, she got certified to teach swimming at the Y in her small, rural town. And she began to teach neighbors’ children to swim at a private pool. Sometimes one to one and sometimes in small groups. And the neighbors thought it appropriate to pay her. And soon she was earning serious pocket money. And keeping records. And treating it like a small business. Which it was.
What did this develop? An appreciation for earning your own money and what you can do with it? Work ethic and commitment-keeping for something important to you? A self-confidence in dealing with people? An understanding of what works and what does not in developing the capabilities of others? All of the above.
And today she is CEO of a business with revenues in excess of $200 million worldwide.
Is a shaping experience opportunity right in front of you? Do you have an opportunity for exceptional personal growth? Are you seeing opportunities through this lens?
It is a key to successful learning
Tags: Entrepreneur, work ethic
Tue, Sep 9, 2008
Leadership Development