Small Business Owners Today

Once again having the privilege of joining Jim Blasingame on his internet radio program this morning, have been thinking about patterns among the small business owners  with whom I work.

Most got fit during the last cycle. So for those with some wind still in the sails, they are rifle-shot opportunists. A restaurant group is building out in a major, new location with borrowed funds. An employment screening business has filled out its senior team with a key new hire, made a game-changing international acquisition and re-structured for growth.

For those with little wind at their back or even headwinds, it is back to basics. A materials company is working on selling off the businesses with the most challenged futures, re-thinking where they take their risks and revising incentive plans to motivate people in the difficult environment of the next few years. A home re-modelling company having pruned costs and facing flat demand or worse in several locations has hired a new CMO and redoubled its direct marketing. The chief of an insurance broker in health care has gone on the road with a new training package for producers and is rousing the troops. The leader of a client advisory service is bringing together the disparate skill-sets in the firm to offer clients in each industry sector a more knowledgeable team.

Uncertainty? Sure. Problems? Always. And different strokes for different folk, but a far cry from ’09 and ’10. The lesson learned is that none stands still or stews — they all take action.

Want more ideas? Go to Jim Blasingame’s webbsite:

That’s just  my view. What’s yours?


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