Momentum Leadership in Tough Times

I have a coaching client who has made a breakthrough in her leadership. The powerpoint exercise tool I am attempting to embed in this post played a role in conversations which led her to shift focus and try new things.

Good leaders know they are on stage at all times, their eye contact and body language inspected as much as their words heard. Extraordinary leaders proactively manage a campaign for people’s hearts and minds, continually refine their communications and have their radar on to see who is adding momentum, who is a drag and who is simply treading water.

And if you wish to take it further, read Words that Work by Frank Luntz, and review the archived tool “Signal Acts” in the back pages of this website.

I will treasure comments from those who put this tool to use. Is it helpful? How can it be improved?


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One Response to “Momentum Leadership in Tough Times

  1. MP VE says:

    This is so helpful and will guide my perspective. It will guide my future steps, how I spend my own energy and and work towards moving the “resistant staff” towards a better place. Certainly reminds me I don’t want to be “dragged” down!

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