Archive | November, 2008

Habeas Corporate: Reviving the Body of the Auto Industry

Monday, November 24, 2008

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Putting aside the hubris and lack of self-awareness of the automobile CEOs — reminiscent of the Congressional appearance of the tobacco companies — what do we do with the moribund bodies that are their business models? Ask for a plan? Not even close. Current leadership is blinded. Let them become bank holding companies as thousands […]

Fund-Raising Right Now

Friday, November 21, 2008

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Successful fund-raising in this awful time requires re-thinking some basics. Yesterday, I emceed a workshop of 35 Executive Directors and Board chairs of not for profits as part of the pro bono activities of Harvard Community Partners of CT. The topic was Mission Statement: Tying Mission to Performance. Pairs (an E.D. and a Board member) […]

Good News: Lessons from Sports on the Economy

Friday, November 21, 2008

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Suddenly, a few of those in power are playing to win and doing so for people other than themselves. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have announced a moratorium on foreclosures. In American football we would call this an “audible.” It should have been called on first down instead of waiting almost until they have to […]


Thursday, November 13, 2008


Pelosi: Mr. President, so glad to have this first conversation with you about our agenda and priorities. Obama: I am glad too. I look forward to working with you and the House to bring the change American needs. Pelosi: There is so much we can now accomplish that has been impossible before. Increasing the minimum […]

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