Archive | October, 2008

Please Bear With Us (No pun intended)

Friday, October 17, 2008

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This site is available to you while it is under construction. So there will be glitches for the next week or so until we complete this phase. Why did we choose to do this? Because there is too much going on in the financial crisis and the election to stay silent. That’s just my view. […]

Not My Republican Party — Neither Bush Nor McCain

Thursday, October 16, 2008

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Party of the First Part —Not Mine I was a Rockefeller Republican At least that’s what I thought: socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Encourage entrepreneurs and free markets to do their best. Keep sensible oversight to curb abuses. Help fund the most important projects that make education affordable, geographies livable and the environment healthy. Maintain […]

Brits More Entrepreneurial and Decisive?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

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I have to wonder how come the Brits were able to move in less than 5 days from a call to action to action, how they arrived at a simpler solution than ours (theirs calls for guarantees of bank loans to each other and infusion of capital), a preservation of the structure of the system […]

The Fog of DeRegulation: Profits vs. Transparency

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

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The American Bankers Association has asked the SEC to override accounting guidelines which require mark-to-market pricing for all securities, including flawed mortgage-backed securities carried on the books at asset values (prices) that are highly unlikely to be realized. The guidelines would make transparent the extent of hangover each institution has from the perfect storm of […]

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