Archive | October, 2008

Imperial Presidency Continues: Will It Be Emulated?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

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Brushing aside once more the nuisance that is the Constitution and the public’s rights and liberties, the Bush administration decided to ignore Congress again: the White House will ignore the August 2007 law requiring the Homeland Security Department to report to Congress on activities affecting privacy – without editing out the substance. Is 8 years […]

Financial Crisis: Old-Time Investigative Journalism

Monday, October 27, 2008

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60 Minutes did us all a service with some old-time investigative journalism on the financial crisis. First, critical thinking and expert input: derivatives, especially credit swap derivatives, are the culprit. Unregulated, there is no capital requirement to back them up. So they are not unlike bets by a bad bookie. With many trillions of them […]

Personal Growth Through Ordinary Experiences

Saturday, October 25, 2008

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I hear great leadership development stories often. They are always worth sharing. One of my senior executive friends was the first in his family to go to college. At one point it was not even clear to him that college was worth a shot. He had a decent job, a decent income and minimal expenses […]

Derivatives to Live By: The Present Value of Ethics

Friday, October 24, 2008

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Sam DiPiazza, CEO of PriceWaterhouseCoopers told a personal story on camera in an interview with a student audience. He related the words of his grandfather who had immigrated to Alabama from Sicily. Young Sammy had done something his grandfather found over the line of ethics. He said to Sam: “Your reputation takes decades to build […]

What Made jack welch JACK WELCH

How Ordinary People Become
Extraordinary Leaders

by Stephen H. Baum (Random House)

Most leaders of American companies started out as ordinary people. What prepared them for the top job?

Countless more ordinary people of equal talent never developed the leadership core required to run the show. Why not?

"Lessons for life about the core leadership traits of character, risk taking decisiveness and the ability to engage and inspire followers."
--Jim Clifton, CEO, The Gallup Organization


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