Archive | August, 2008

Another Olympic Lesson: How USA’s Women’s Volleyball Team Got Grabbed

Sunday, August 24, 2008

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Tayyiba Haneef-Park, 6’7” star of the USA Women’s volleyball team was asked to describe the difference between Brasil’s gold-medal play and that of team USA. She said: “When we made mistakes or the referee made a bad call — and they made them in both directions — we let in linger in our minds. That […]


Monday, August 18, 2008


What can we learn from Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps?  Media coverage of Phelps’ exploits and of his mother’s support has been extensive. But for those of us seeking to become better leaders of our own lives and those of our family, our community and the organizations where we work there is real juice in […]

Should Reckless CEOs Profit From Our Pain?

Friday, August 8, 2008

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Last October (2007), Kelsey Hubbard on WSJ’s MarketWatch (see video page on this website), asked me what went wrong at Merrill Lynch and what mistakes were made by Stan O’Neal who had not yet departed with his compensation package of hundreds of millions of dollars.  Reiterating what I had posted months before that, I said […]

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