Convention Low Light: Sen. Lautenberg Laughs at Ethics

Wed, Aug 27, 2008

Leaders In the News: Bad News

You can all see the highlights of the convention in many places, especially on the web. But there is one “low light” that sticks in my mind. Asked by tv talking heads for his view of one major party thrown by the lobbyists and how that fits with recent ethics reforms, Senator Lautenberg scoffed: “somebody has to check the quality of the food and the liquor” and laughed. And our wonderful investigative reporters let it pass without comment. 

The new rules are so specific as to prohibit lobbyists from supplying food that requires a fork and knife (interpretation for the uninitiated: expensive dinners in trendy restaurants). Response by the Congress: serve us with spoons. No kidding. The tv camera revealed tables of food with specially created spoons of which the caterers were very proud. The rules prohibit fetes for a single congressman. The Congressional response: fete two of us or more. 

Bobby Kennedy was the target of an incessant heckler at a campaign appearance: “You’re all crooks.” Kennedy, finally sufficiently exasperated to reply, retorted: “This is representative government.” I don’t believe that reformer Kennedy really believed that, but it appears to be close to descriptive of so many of our representatives. 

The candidates have an opportunity this election to give more than lip service to restore the respect and trust that we the people should have for our government.

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